website vs social media

Let’s be real. Social media is huge. Facebook, Instagram, TikTok—these platforms dominate how people connect with brands. It’s estimated that of the 8.12 billion people in the world, 63.7% of the population use social networks, regardless of age or internet access. It’s no wonder businesses are building massive followings. You’ve got the likes, comments, shares, and an audience waiting for your next post. But here’s a reality check: on the qustion of a website vs social media – even with thousands (or millions) of followers, you still need a local business website.

“But why?” you might ask. After all, your social media is buzzing, and engagement is through the roof! Well, because there’s a lot more to building a sustainable online presence than just having followers. For instance, when was the last time you opened TicTok to find a local beauty salon or carpenter? Search engines are still a main driver of traffic to local businesses. Here’s why having a website is still crucial for your business success.

1. You Don’t Own Social Media

Let’s get straight to the point: you don’t own your social media platform. You’re at the mercy of algorithms, platform policies, and third-party decisions that can affect how (or if) your audience sees your content. Remember when Facebook’s organic reach took a nosedive? It’s a perfect example of why you can’t rely solely on social media.

As many influencers and businesses have found out over the years, social media platforms can change overnight. A policy update could restrict your account, an algorithm tweak could drastically reduce your visibility, or worst-case scenario—you could get banned, sometimes with little or no warning, meaning you lose access to your followers and have no control over it.

A website, on the other hand, is your turf. You control what’s posted, when it’s posted, and how it looks. It’s your digital home base where no algorithm can decide whether your visitors see your content.

2. Boost Your Credibility

Having a lot of followers is fantastic, but without a website, you risk looking unprofessional. Let’s face it: customers still expect legitimate businesses to have a website. It’s a sign of trust and authenticity. Imagine someone searches for your business and only finds your Instagram profile. It may work for some, but many potential customers will think, Why don’t they have a website?

A website acts as a digital storefront that provides all the critical information your audience needs:

  • About Your Business: Who you are, your mission, and your values.
  • Services and Pricing: A clear, organized breakdown of what you offer.
  • Contact Information: A professional point of contact that goes beyond social DMs.

Bottom line: a website adds a layer of credibility that social media alone cannot provide.

3. SEO: The Secret Sauce

In the qustion of a website vs social media, this is one where a local business website wins hands down; something social media can’t fully give you: SEO.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is what gets your business found on Google. When people search for a service or product in your local area, you want your website to pop up in the results. Relying on social media alone means you’re not maximizing your discoverability outside the platforms.

With a website, you can optimize for local SEO, making sure that when someone searches for “best nails salon near me” or “affordable electricians in [your city],” your business is there—front and center.

SEO is all about long-term traffic. Unlike social media posts that disappear in a few hours, your website content sticks around and can keep bringing in traffic for years to come.

4. More Freedom for Customization

Let’s talk flexibility, another winner for team website in the website vs social media battlefiled.

Social media is great for quick updates and sharing content, but the design and customization options are extremely limited. You can’t control the layout, user experience, or how you present your brand beyond the basic settings of the platform.

A website, on the other hand, is a blank canvas. You can:

  • Customize your branding: Match your colors, fonts, and messaging to your overall brand identity.
  • Create a unique user experience: Want a sleek, minimalist design? Or perhaps something bold and interactive? A website is a great space for the control freak within you!.
  • Use multimedia to its full potential: From embedded videos to high-quality galleries and downloadable resources, a website allows you to showcase your brand however you like.

With a website, you have endless possibilities to create an experience that’s truly yours. This level of personalization just isn’t possible with social media alone.

5. Better Analytics and Insights

If you’re serious about growing your business, you need to know how visitors are interacting with your online presence. Social media platforms provide limited insights, like how many likes or shares a post gets. But those metrics don’t give you the full picture.

On a website, analytics are much more comprehensive. Tools like Google Analytics let you track:

  • Visitor Behavior: Where they come from, how long they stay, and which pages they visit.
  • Conversions: How many visitors took a specific action, like making a purchase or filling out a contact form.
  • Traffic Sources: Whether people find you through search engines, direct traffic, or referral links. This is great in helping your business decide where to focus limited monetary funds.

These insights are essential for understanding what’s working and what isn’t in your marketing strategy. Social media doesn’t give you this level of detail, which limits your ability to fine-tune your marketing approach. Once again, in the smackdown between a website vs social media, another win for local business websites on this one!

6. A Focused Environment that Converts More Leads

Social media is fantastic for building awareness and driving engagement, but when it comes to conversions, websites still reign supreme. Your website is where people go to make decisions—whether it’s signing up for a newsletter, booking a service, or making a purchase.

On social media, the process of converting someone from a casual scroller to a paying customer can be clunky. The distractions are endless: notifications, ads, and posts from other accounts. One thing to never lose sight of is that people go to social media to be entertained, not necessarily to find your services, making it easier for them to be distracted by other content more easily.

With a website, you create a focused environment where visitors can easily find what they need without distractions. They can explore your products, read testimonials, and make purchases all in one place. This streamlined experience increases your chances of converting leads into loyal customers.

7. You Control the Narrative

On social media, the conversation can be hijacked at any moment. Negative comments, misinterpretations, or trending topics can quickly derail your brand’s message. While you can manage this to an extent, you don’t have full control.

With a website, you control the entire narrative. You decide what content appears and how it’s presented. It’s a platform where you can tell your story your way, with no interruptions or distractions.

If something changes in your business—like a new service, product, or rebranding—you can easily reflect that on your website. With social media, those updates are often temporary, buried beneath a mountain of posts.

8. It’s All About the Long Game

Social media is fantastic for instant gratification. A post goes viral, and suddenly, you have a surge of engagement. But that moment fades. Social media moves fast, and if you’re not consistently posting, you’ll be forgotten.

A website is more sustainable in the long run. It’s your evergreen marketing tool, continually driving traffic, leads, and conversions. Your website will keep working for you, even when you’re not actively posting or engaging. It’s the long-term investment that pays off over time.

Conclusion: Your Website and Social Media Can (and Should) Work Together

Let’s be clear: this isn’t about choosing one over the other. You still need a local business website even if your social media is popping. Think of social media as the magnet that draws people in, while your website is the destination where conversions happen.

When you combine a strong social media presence with a fully optimized website, you create a complete digital ecosystem. Your followers on social media are great, but the goal should be to lead them to your website, where they can take that next step—whether that’s making a purchase, booking a service, or contacting you directly.

Social media gives you visibility, but a website gives you credibility, control, and the power to drive long-term success. So if you’ve been riding the social media wave, it’s time to anchor your business with a website that works for you 24/7.

If you need help building a website that goes hand in hand with your social media media strategy in growing the visibility of your business, check out my work and book your discovery session today to get started building a strategic digital brand.
